I highly recommend Lundberg Health Advocates–-I give it an A+ plus rating. I am deeply grateful for the access to quality medical care –it has made a real difference!
Lundberg Health Advocates helped me better understand options; become better educated about our medical situation; made me feel listened to; reduced my worry about addressing healthcare issues; made me feel more in control; provided me with the information and services I needed; and helped me create and strengthen my support system.
I don't have enough words to express my gratitude to Dr. Lundberg and the Health Equity Institute. Because of their powerful support and kind care, our situation changed from struggles and maltreatment to royalty care. I hope one day I can give back to the Health Equity Institute. We got to the point of receiving musician to the room of my dad and high respect instead of stress.
Thank you so much Doctor Brita–your kindness is printed on my heart and my dad’s forever…

A Megaphone for the patient’s voice
What did I learn from having a patient advocate? I learned that I have a voice and should use it when the need arises.
Also, that there are many options/services/experts in the medical field that I can ask to be referred to for treatment.
Am I satisfied…? Satisfied is not a strong enough word to express my thanks. Dr. Lundberg was incredibly knowledge about my infectious lung disease and lymphedema. She made strong recommendations to my doctors. I couldn’t have asked for better guidance. Dr. Lundberg was an active participant and an excellent listener when dealing with specialists that she recommended to me. She took detailed notes at the doctor’s office to share with me in her reports. This was an excellent way for me to review after the meeting. I never would have remembered all that she wrote during the doctor appointments. It was clear that her expertise as a Patient Advocate was respected by the physicians when she was with me for appointments.
Would I recommend Lundberg Health Advocates?
Absolutely! Dr. Lundberg was “the best” in directing me to only the most qualified doctors and rehab/PT facilities available to me. It made a big difference in my recovery.
How can Dr. Lundberg improve her advocacy services?
Brita - improve?! - I think you’re just about perfect! If I had to say something, “Too bad you’re not a Primary Care Doctor!”
I have so much respect for your knowledge and expertise in the medical field.
You accomplished so much for me in a short period of time.
Thank you!
--Eileen D.

A Bridge to Care
"I’m the happiest I’ve been in the two years I’ve searched for help. After our conversation, the weight I have carried for so long has lifted and I feel like I can breathe again. Now I know there is a road open to us. Hopefully health is at the end of that road. What a critical position you have chosen. There is no way I can thank you enough for your time and understanding. You will remain my HERO."
--Gail K.

Advocacy During a Kidney Transplant
"After decades of living with chronic kidney disease, when I got the word from my doctors that it was time to think about transplantation, I was overwhelmed and lost, and unhappy with my care team. Brita came into my life then, as my patient advocate, and saw me through a

Anticipatory Advocacy: hiring an advocate in case you need a patient advocate
I found Dr. Brita Lundberg after reading a compelling book about patient advocacy by Leslie Michelson called The Patient’s Playbook. Not wanting to wait for a medical crisis before finding an advocate, I looked for an advocate in the Boston area and established a working relationship with Dr. Lundberg. We met and discussed my health history, and I provided recent medical records. Dr. Lundberg reviewed the records, and we discussed her observations.
Several months later I wanted to see a specialist for a particular matter about which I thought my primary care physician was being unduly dismissive.

Finding doctors who listen is key to making a diagnosis
"I very strongly recommend Dr. Brita Lundberg to anyone who is considering working with a health advocate. Brita is worth her weight in gold, for so many reasons.
When I first contacted Brita about my case, I had been partially disabled by a combination of neurological and cardiac symptoms for two years and had visited over 20 doctors and physical therapists who...

Advocacy Helps During a Transplant
"I have the highest praise for the medical advocacy Brita provided to my nephew who was living with end-stage renal disease and preparing for a kidney transplant. Her compassionate and informed support, familiarity with the Boston medical network, and interpretation of complex information was a lifeline as my nephew lived a challenging

Building bridges: Overcoming Barriers to Care
“Dr. Brita, you showed such professionalism and poise. My son overcame the hurdles he was facing thanks to your pluck. May you and your advocacy be a strong voice for real medicine in New England.”
--Jim M.

Helping the Patient's Voice Be Heard in Medical Encounters
Both my daughter and I are of course thrilled with the outcome of today's meeting. We couldn't have done it without you -- I know that -- I tried. It is obviously important to both of us and we sincerely appreciate all the thought and effort you put into making the meeting successful for us. I especially appreciated your kindness with Gabriella and your patience with me and am grateful for the extra "hand-holding" you provided. If any of my friends need help like this, you can be sure I will send them to you with the most heartfelt recommendation. We can't thank you enough.
--Soraya F.

Letters from Our Clients
"Brita’s advice, counsel, and out of the box thinking was so appreciated. Her dedication, thoughtfulness and skill as an advocate are very impressive. I value her opinion.
Sometimes it takes an outside eye to see things that a person might not see themselves. I can sleep well knowing we did our very best.

Navigating Difficult Clinical Situations
"Dr. Lundberg came speedily to my rescue and helped me plan a course of action to resolve a very unhappy, unfruitful situation. Brita fully understood the issues “behind the scenes” and helped me make an educated decision about how to resolve them. I was absolutely satisfied!

Assistance with Thinking through Options and Finding the Best Doctor
"I definitely believe that the medical professionals I dealt with took me more seriously with Dr. Lundberg sitting beside me. I can recommend her whole heartedly for those situations where the facts and options seem to blend into into nothing but uncertainty. She was particularly good at helping me sort out things into sensible options for me to select from. I really appreciated this.

When to Seek a Second Opinion
"I am a scientist, but twice in my life my doctors initially shrugged at my symptoms when I had what turned out to be serious medical illnesses.
In the first case, I showed a rash I had to a doctor. I was worried because it was spreading all over my body and I felt really sick. The doctor said he had never seen a rash like that. I thought I had chickenpox—which in an adult can be life threatening, especially if it isn’t treated quickly. Dr. Lundberg listened and took my symptoms seriously; she supported me in finding treatment that very day.

Treatment Dilemmas: A Newborn with a Heart Defect
"When my son was born with a severe congenital heart defect, I was devastated and completely unprepared for such unexpected and unwanted news. I remember the cardiologist drawing a very rough sketch of a heart and explaining how it should function versus how Sean’s heart functioned—and giving us the very dire prognosis that Sean would need multiple open-heart surgeries to repair his tiny heart.