Authentic honest care
I highly recommend Lundberg Health Advocates–-I give it an A+ plus rating. I am deeply grateful for the access to quality medical care –it has made a real difference!Lundberg Health Advocates helped me better understand options; become better educated about our medical situation; made me feel listened to; reduced my worry about addressing healthcare issues; made me feel more in control; provided me with the information and services I needed; and helped me create and strengthen my support system.I don't have enough words to express my gratitude to Dr. Lundberg and the Health Equity Institute. Because of their powerful support and kind care, our situation changed from struggles and maltreatment to royalty care. I hope one day I can give back to the Health Equity Institute. We got to the point of receiving musician to the room of my dad and high respect instead of stress.Thank you so much Doctor Brita–your kindness is printed on my heart and my dad’s forever…–Sara