Advocacy During a Kidney Transplant
"After decades of living with chronic kidney disease, when I got the word from my doctors that it was time to think about transplantation, I was overwhelmed and lost, and unhappy with my care team. Brita came into my life then, as my patient advocate, and saw me through achange to a new hospital, through my entire pre-transplant and transplant process, until three months after I received a new kidney from my sister and was doing well. She was there with me for nearly all of my appointments, helping to interpret all the confusing medical-speak for me, keeping track of and guiding me through next steps, all the while keeping me calm and assured with her knowledge and compassion as well as her good nature and humor. I honestly can’t imagine what my experience would have been like without her by my side. I wrote to her after I was home, “I am simply overflowing with gratitude and the promise of a new beginning! To say ‘thank you for your support!’ just doesn’t even come close to expressing my feelings!”
When I described to a friend who Brita was and what she did, my friend said, “So she’s a unicorn.” “How so?” I asked. “Because she has magical powers. And she is something that you wouldn’t even think exists.”
The health care industry could use more people like Brita. I will be forever grateful to have had her help through that complicated and difficult time of my life.”
–Steve A., Boston, MA