Welcome to Lundberg Health Advocates
The world of healthcare can be overwhelming and confusing. Your doctors don’t always have the time to answer all of your questions. It is an environment that can leave you feeling unseen and unheard.
Dr. Brita Lundberg, an infectious diseases specialist and internist, has experienced from both sides how complicated the medical system can be. When she stepped away from her clinical practice to care for ailing family members, she discovered a huge need for advocacy. This has led her to advocate for patients with a range of serious illnesses including congestive heart failure, Parkinson’s, celiac disease and Type 1 diabetes, among many other conditions.
A former Assistant Professor in the Infectious Diseases Division at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, Dr. Lundberg is passionate about helping clients navigate the medical world with better information and greater confidence. Her greatest satisfaction lies in helping people find their way through the medical maze so they have a better idea of what to expect and so they have a more complete understanding of their health situation and of the choices before them.
Dr. Lundberg is especially interested in diagnostic dilemmas and supporting clients as they decide among multiple treatment options.
Lundberg Health Advocates is a member of the Massachusetts Coalition for Serious Illness Care, National Association of Health Advocates and the Society To Improve Diagnosis in Medicine.
An active member of her community, Dr. Lundberg is involved on key issues relating to public health at the following organizations:
- Massachusetts Medical Society: as a delegate and member of the Environmental and Occupational Health Committee;
- Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility (GB PSR): Member of the Board;
- President and Chair of the Board at the Health Equity Institute: a patient advocacy collaborative
- Invited Member, Expert Panel: Future of Patient-Reported Measures for Diagnostic Excellence (Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation), June 2021;
- Climate Code Blue: as a member of this fantastic physician group that brings attention to the intersection of issues relating to climate and human health.
Dr. Lundberg considers advocating for public health to be part of her responsibility as a physician.
Dr. Lundberg completed her B.A. at Harvard College, medical school and residency at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and fellowship in infectious diseases at the University of Colorado.
Invited talks include:
- The Benefits of Physician Partnerships with Public Health Practitioners and Regulators to Address the Climate and Health Impacts of Environmental Pollution. At U. Mass. Amherst AEHS (Soils, Sediments, Water and Energy International Conference), October 23, 2024.
- The Importance of Physician Patient Advocacy. At U. of Wisconsin-Madison Center for Patient Partnerships; lecture to fourth year medical students, October 9, 2024.
- Navigating a personal health crisis: the role of patient advocacy. For the Health Equity Institute of Massachusetts; live event, Wellesley Public Library, October 8, 2024.
- When the physician becomes caregiver: the key to successful patient advocacy. At the Massachusetts Medical Society, Committee on Aging, June 2024.
- Asthma, Climate Justice and the Health Impacts of Air Pollution. At Medford Community Center; May 2024.
- Physician Climate Advocacy; at Future Health Best, Massachusetts Medical Society, March 2024.
- Who gets to breathe? The Climate Crisis, Environmental Injustice and Health. For Environmental Justice Climate Conversations; July,2021.
- Interview, with Tod Gross, NEW TV Sunny Side of the Street. 2/2021.
- Carbon Countdown, Climate and Health. 3/2021
- Medical Grand Rounds: The Public Health Challenges of COVID-19. Emerson Hospital, 9/18/2020.
- Global Health in a Changing World: People, Planet, Technology. Northeastern University, 2/8/2020.
- Climate and Health: Global Impact, Local Action. Newton Public Library, 3/19/2019.
- The Intersection of Health and Caring: How to talk about Important End of Life Issues. Providence House, Brookline, MA. 11/17/2018.
- An In-Depth Look at Societal, Environmental and Microbiome Health: How to Advocate for Yourself or a Family Member. Cambridge Innovation Center, 6/21/2018.
- Clearing the Air: Carbon & Health. Cambridge Innovation Center Venture Cafe 6/6/2017.